Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Vows

I was cleaning the room last weekend, trying to fix all our wedding stuff when I came upon this piece of paper with Danz's handwriting.

It was the vows that Danz had prepared but was not able to say during the ceremony because that part was skipped.

It goes like this:
"I, Danz, take you Celina, as the love of my life. I vow to be patient with you and the circumstances in our lives. Together we will be better than we could be alone. When you need someone to encourage you, I want it to be me. When you need a helping hand, I want it to be mine. I will not forsake you or these vows that we have made, but rather strive to show you my love for the rest of our lives. This is my promise to you."

Looking back, I am quite relieved that we skipped that part because I think I would have definitely cried had he said those vows. Besides, his vows were so much better than mine.:)

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