Saturday, July 14, 2007

Stack 'Em Up!

Do you see this?

This is my collection of bridal magazines that I have managed to acquire in 7 months. I think I need therapy now…I just can’t seem to control the urge to buy magazines. I don’t think I’ve even READ half of them, although I’ve BROWSED through each of them. Every time I go to the mall (which is practically everyday, since my office is right beside one), I just have to pass by the bookstore or magazine stand. At least though, most of the magazines I’ve bought were on sale, because I normally get back issues (especially for the imported ones).

My favorite magazines are “Martha Stewart Weddings” and “Creative Weddings” because they have so many great DIY ideas. I also like the special issues of Brides magazine (Brides Receptions) and Better Homes and Gardens (Simply Creative Weddings and Simply Creative Wedding Flowers). “Beautiful Weddings” and “Bride and Bloom” are quite good too.

I ought to sell all of my magazines when the wedding is over. Surely there are other magazine addicts out there right???

1 comment:

honey said...

Hi Celina,

I got so excited when I saw your stack of magazines!

I'm not really a fan of magazines, until I got engaged.

I thought I was going crazy when I realized that I had bought 5 wedding magazines in a 3-month period.

I was wondering where were you able to purchase the old martha stewart's and brides mag. I tried booksales and this mag shop at Greenbelt one, but they only have the latest covers.

And also, if you are going to sell yours after your special day, I'd be very interested to purchase some (if not all) of them.

Thanks a lot.


Honey and Jay
January 2009