Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fainting Spells

Have you ever fainted in your life?

Prior to last Friday, I had never experienced it. I have had near blackouts because of dizzyness (I have vertigo), but have never really fallen down or anything like that.

I had the final fitting for my gown last Friday. It was a tad too tight for me because I had gained some weight since Danz arrived (so I'm on a bit of a diet now). Anyway, everything was going well - we were all laughing and sharing stories and just admiring the gown - until suddenly I felt that I couldn't breathe. I asked if we could unzip the gown for a while, and that helped for a bit...but then I started to feel dizzy. I had barely gotten the words "I'm feeling a bit dizzy" out of my mouth when I suddenly blacked out. I heard someone calling me, and when I opened my eyes, I was lying on the floor. It was soooo embarrassing!!!

After giving me some pillows to lie on, some ointment and a glass of water, I was OK. We had a pretty good laugh about it, but I know that I will never live that incident down. I'll always be "the bride that fainted"...hahaha!

I don't really know what caused it...perhaps a combination of not being able to breathe properly and just plain exhaustion from all the stress and late nights.

I'm going back on "The Abs Diet" for the next few days and will fit my gown again before they have it dry cleaned. I don't want to have it adjusted because it really is so pretty and I'm confident I can lose the excess weight. So I'm looking forward to eating grilled chicken sandwiches for the next week or so.:)

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